Influencer NFT
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Each Influencer originates from a different time period. It allows for a diverse range of characters to suit every possible player taste and fulfil every popular archetype (especially as more Influencers are introduced), with epic unique backstories that bring their own timeline to life. Influencers NFT have different strengths and weaknesses paired with special powers. Each fighter has unique characteristics, and differs in design, fighting, skills, and animation. Players can level up or develop the fighter by collecting EXP and developing their characters skills through the Fight-to-Gain, Fight-to-Earn and tournament game modes. It adds an RPG-like attachment to each fighter, synthesised in the value of the asset-add of their NFTs, which incentivises play time but also the desire to unlock new characters and build them up for other, newer, more casual players to get a headstart - without upsetting the ranking.